History & Social Studies

History and Social Studies

US Constitution -- Civil War -- Colonial America -- Lewis & Clark/Louisiana Purchase -- Mexican-American War -- Immigration -- Jim Crow Laws -- World War I -- Progressive Era -- Roaring Twenties -- Great Depression -- World War II -- The Fifties -- Civil Rights -- USII

World History -- Economics -- Psychology -- Sociology -- British Monarchy

Link to History and Social Studies eCollection eCollection resources
(Note: to access some of these sites from home, use school's username & password)


Video on demand Archival Films & News Reels Videos

Videos on demand
Criminal Justice & Law Videos
Reading Resources

20th C Great Events   20th C Great Lives
Great Events Great Lives

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US Constitution & Constitutional Debate Resources

Facts on File Issues & Controversies: US Constitution Facts on File Issues & Controversies: US Constitution

Gale's Opposing Viewpoints Gale's Opposing Viewpoints: US Constitution

EBSCOhost: US Constitution EBSCOhost: US Constitution journals, newspapers & magazines

EBSCO Point of View EBSCO Point of View: US Constitutional History

EBSCO SRC: US ConstitutionEBSCO Student Research Center: US Constitution History 
note: Recommended Sort

Scopes Monkey Trial Scopes Monkey Trial

Videos on demand Archival Films & News Reels Videos


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Civil War

Pictures, Photos, and Images:

Copyright-free or Creative Commons –

[PW = may need school’s username & password]

Library Books and eBooks:
      Civil War - Library Resources

  American Civil War

Primary Sources: Websites

Primary Sources: Databases – (PW)

     Encyclopedia Britannica        ABC-Clio Civil War

Video Clips

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Colonial America

Colonial Flag Pathfinder: The Colonies

Welcome to the New World

Life in the 13 Colonies

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Lewis & Clark/Louisiana Purchase 

Chronological History of US 
U.S. Presidential Elections
Lewis & Clark Expedition
Lewis & Clark Exploration
Zebulon Pike Expedition
Zebulon Pike
Zebulon Pike's Journal
US Capitol
Sedition Act
Cotton Gin
Louisiana Purchase
Louisiana Purchase
Steam Engine
US Constitution
Marbury v. Madison
Marbury v. Madison - Supreme Court Decision
John Marshall

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Mexican-American War

U.S.: Mexican War, 1846-1848

Westward Expansion  

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VIRTUAL Tour: Tenement VR: 1870s & 1930s

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Jim Crow Laws 
(Note: to access some of these sites from home, use school's username & password)

Jim Crow Laws - Separate Is Not Equal

Issues: Jim Crow Laws - PBS

A Brief History of Jim Crow - Constitutional Rights Foundation
ABC-Clio: American Government: Jim Crow Laws
Davis, Ernie. Britannica Biographies, 2010, p1-1, 1p.
Ernie Davis. Great Athletes, 2001, p568, 4pAbstract: Profiles football player Ernie Davis.
"I'm not unlucky" By: Davis, Ernie; August, Bob. Saturday Evening Post, 3/30/1963, Vol. 236 Issue 12, p60-62, 3p;   Abstract: Recounts American football player Ernie Davis' story of his recognition as the first Negro to win the Heisman award for the best collegiate football player in the U.S.

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World War I
1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War
The Aerodrome: Aces and Aircraft of World War I

BBC News: The Great War: 80 Years On

The Covenant of the League of Nations
League of Nations Chronology 

A Chronological Perspective of the League of Nations 
EyeWitness: History through the Eyes of Those Who Lived It: World War I   
The Great War and the Shaping of the 20th Century   
Great War Series    
The Great War Society   
Introduction to First World War Poetry   
Lost Poets of the Great War   
Photos of the Great War    
Propaganda: Wartime Propaganda: World War I   
Propaganda Postcards of the Great War   
First Call: American Posters of World War One    
The Versailles Treaty: June 28, 1919  
World War I: Trenches on the Web   
Women and WWI    
Women’s Mobilization for War   

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The Progressive Era

Resources for Creating Online Presentations: LiveBinder [Digital Storytelling Tools]

More Creative Commons and Copyright-free ImagesPictures,
and Photos for Use in School-based Presentations: click here

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The Roaring Twenties

The Great Gatsby and 1920s


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The Great Depression

America from the Great Depression to WW II
America in the 1930s 
American Life Histories 
In search of the American hobo
American History 1930-1939
Riding the Rails
Photographs from the 1930s: from Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information
Surviving the Dust Bowl
Voices from the Dust Bowl
A Case of Unemployment
The Depression News: The 1930s
The Story of Hoover Dam
The Great Depression (Herbert Hoover Presidential Library)
Stock Market Crash of 1929 (the 'what')
Stock Market Crash of 1929 (the 'why') 

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World War II 

Rutgers Oral History Archives http://oralhistory.rutgers.edu/military-history/29-conflict-index 

American Women’s History:  WWII  http://www.mtsu.edu/~kmiddlet/history/women/wh-wwii.html

Women Come to the Front http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/wcf/wcf0001.html

Remembering Nagasaki http://www.exploratorium.edu/nagasaki/

Hiroshima Archive Google Earth 3D: http://hiroshima.mapping.jp/ge_en.html

Atomic Archive http://www.atomicarchive.com/

Marshall Plan https://history.state.gov/milestones/1945-1952/marshall-plan

George C. Marshall http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/marshall/m9.html

Pearl Harbor Raid, 7 Dec. 1941  https://www.history.navy.mil/our-collections/photography/wars-and-events/world-war-ii/pearl-harbor-raid.html 

Japanese Launch Attack on Pearl Harbor  MapMaker Interactive

Pearl Harbor: Conspiracy Theories  http://faculty.virginia.edu/setear/students/japanwc/LinkPage.htm

USS Arizona Memorial http://www.nps.gov/nr/twhp/wwwlps/lessons/18arizona/18arizona.htm

World War II in Europe – Timeline  http://www.historyplace.com/worldwar2/timeline/ww2time.htm#1939

World War II:  Asiatic-Pacific Theater 1941-1946  http://www.history.army.mil/html/reference/army_flag/ww2_ap.html

World War II European Theaters  https://westpoint.edu/academics/academic-departments/history/world-war-two-europe

American Cultural History The Twentieth Century: 1940-1949  http://daviesscountyhistoricalsociety.com/2004/06/08/notes-over-1940-1950/

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The Fifties

Cold War Museum http://www.coldwar.org/

Cold War:  Dwight D. Eisenhower

Civil Rights Movement http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/119368/American-civil-rights-movement

Civil Rights Era
http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/aaohtml/exhibit/aopart9.html & http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/aaohtml/exhibit/aointro.html

American Cultural History  1950s Pop Culture and American Consumerism

1950’s History – "Baby Boomers" 

McCarthyism http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McCarthyism

Cold War:  Nuclear Arms Race  http://www.history.com/topics/cold-war/arms-race

The Arms Race http://science.howstuffworks.com/nuclear-arms-race.htm

Space Events of the 20th Century: The 1950s  http://www.seasky.org/space-exploration/space-timeline-1600-1960.html

Sputnik: The World's 1st Artificial Satellite http://www.space.com/17888-first-satellite-sputnik-1-explained-infographic.html

The Korean War Project The Korean War Project

Korean War FAQ http://www.centurychina.com/history/krwarfaq.html

Korean War Commemoration http://archive.defense.gov/home/features/2010/0610_korea60ann/

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Civil Rights
may need the school’s username & password]

Civil Rights Cases

Civil Rights Movement

American Indian Civil Rights Act

Memorandum on the Proposed Equal Rights Amendment


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World History

History World

More than 10,000 events from world history to search with timelines



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The Economics of the Christmas Tree Industry

Films on demand
Click here to go straight to “Business & Economics” videos!


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APS Teaching Resources

The Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology, 2nd. Ed.The Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology, 2nd. Ed.

Psychologists and Their Theories for StudentsPsychologists and Their Theories for Students

Social Trends and Indicators USA (2003)Social Trends and Indicators USA (2003)

The Stroop EffectThe Stroop Effect

Videos on demand
 Click here ^ to go straight to “Psychology” videos!


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AIDS ribbonSociology of Health

Videos on demand
Click here ^ to go straight to “Sociology” videos!


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British Monarchy
(Note: to access some of these sites from home, use school's username & password)

Kings and Queens of Britain go to> Sovereigns of Britain 
Kings and Queens of England Video Series 
(6 parts, ~45 minutes each)

  1. The Modern Monarchs (Queen Victoria to Elizabeth II; 1837-2000s)
  2. The Hanoverians (King George I to King William IV; 1714-1837)
  3. The Stuarts (James I to Queen Anne; 1603-1714)
  4. The Tudors (Richard III to Elizabeth I; 1485-1603)
  5. The Yorks and Lancasters (Edward I to Edward IV; 1272-1485)
  6. The Normans (1066 to King John, 1272)

Monarchs of Great Britain (A List)
The Origins of the English Kingdom
The Rise of the Monarchies: France, England and Spain (eBook)


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last updated 04/21/2021

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